Kunuwanimano Child & Family Services

KUNUWANIMANO CHILD & FAMILY SERVICES is a social service agency that was incorporated in 1989 to eliminate all forms of abuse by providing services that encourage and support the healthy development of families and individuals in a manner that is appropriate to our First Nations.

The programs take into consideration the best interests and well being of the child, specifically the programs that recognize the uniqueness of First nation’s culture, heritage and traditions of preserving a child’s cultural identity.

Service Description

Provide information and educate clients and Band/Communities about their rights under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act and other social services Acts specifically the least intrusive measures and proper representation.

Provide information on other rights of native clients pertaining to social, legal and child welfare matters.

The organization is actively seeking designation as a children’s aid society as was the original intent at the inception of the organization in 1989.  The main objective is to service the Indigenous population both on and off reserve within the Kunuwanimano CFS geographical jurisdiction.

Service Location

Kunuwanimano Child and Family Services’ catchment communities of Beaverhouse First Nation, Brunswick House First Nation, Chapleau Cree First Nation, Chapleau Ojibwe First Nation, Constance Lake First Nation, Hornepayne First Nation, Matachewan First Nation, Mattagami First Nation, Missanabie Cree First Nation, Taykwa Tagamou (New Post First Nation) and Wahgoshig First Nation.

Method of evaluation

  • The evaluation of client services will be based on quarterly statistical information recorded and calculated using the agency’s present tools.
  • Statistical reports will be forwarded to the Ministry of Children and Youth Services on a quarterly basis.
  • Program effectiveness will be determined utilizing individual evaluations completed by participants and/or groups.
  • Program effectiveness will also be evaluated by the Service Committee of the Board of Directors, in consultation with the Executive Director and appropriate staff